一辆汽车撞上电线杆,在苏城着火后,一名22岁的男子死亡。 A 22-year-old man died after his car crashed into a utility pole and caught fire in Sioux City.
星期五晚上苏城发生致命的车祸,一名22岁男子在超速时失去对Chevplolet Blazer的控制,撞上了电线杆,造成车辆着火。 A fatal car crash occurred on Friday night in Sioux City, where a 22-year-old man lost control of his Chevrolet Blazer while speeding, hitting a utility pole and causing the vehicle to catch fire. 事件发生在下午9时30分左右,地点在中转大道,受害者是现场宣布死亡的唯一住客。 The incident happened around 9:30 p.m. on Transit Avenue, with the victim, the sole occupant, pronounced dead at the scene. 苏市警察局仍在调查这起事故,受害人的姓名尚未公布。 The Sioux City Police Department is still investigating the accident, and the victim's name has not been released.