加拿大弗农在 2 月 6 日的车祸导致一人住院后看到红绿灯请愿。 Vernon, Canada, sees petition for traffic light after crash on Feb 6 left one hospitalized.
在 2 月 6 日在 Pottery Road 和 6 号高速公路的交叉路口发生车祸导致一人住院后,加拿大弗农发起了一项请愿书。 A petition has been launched in Vernon, Canada, after a February 6th crash at the intersection of Pottery Road and Highway 6 led to one person being hospitalized. 这起事故涉及一辆卡车和一辆汽车,引发了交通灯安装的呼声,请愿书的发起人以安全为由提出了安全关切。 The accident involved a truck and a car and prompted calls for a traffic light installation, with the creator of the petition citing safety concerns. 不列颠哥伦比亚省紧急保健服务为受伤者提供紧急治疗。 BC Emergency Health Services provided emergency medical treatment to the injured individual.