乌达拉赫德在第38届全国运动会中排名第6,从第25名大幅上升,在武术和泰拳道方面表现出色. Uttarakhand ranked 6th in the 38th National Games, a significant jump from 25th place, excelling in Wushu and Taekwondo.
北阿坎德邦在第 38 届全国运动会上取得了显着提升,以 62 枚奖牌排名第 6,其中包括 14 枚金牌、22 枚银牌和 26 枚铜牌。 Uttarakhand achieved a significant boost in the 38th National Games, ranking 6th with 62 medals, including 14 gold, 22 silver, and 26 bronze. 这比上一场比赛中的第25位有明显改善。 This is a marked improvement from their 25th place in the previous games. 国家优异地在武州和泰拳道,每个体育赛事都贡献了12枚奖牌。 The state excelled in Wushu and Taekwondo, with each sport contributing 12 medals. Uttakhand政府赞扬运动员的献身精神,并期望激励后代参与体育运动。 The Uttarakhand government praised the athletes' dedication and looks to inspire future generations in sports.