丰田的Hilux在2024年最销的4x4车型中排名第一,其次是福特和雪佛兰车型. Toyota's Hilux tops 2024's best-selling 4x4 utes, followed by Ford and Chevrolet models.
2024年最销的5款4x4车型主要是由丰田,福特和雪佛兰的车型主导. The five best-selling 4x4 utes in 2024 were dominated by models from Toyota, Ford, and Chevrolet. 丰田的Hilux领队 紧随其后的是福特游骑兵队和雪佛兰科罗拉多 Toyota's Hilux led the pack, followed closely by the Ford Ranger and Chevrolet Colorado. 由于这些车辆的可靠性、越野能力以及适合工作和家庭使用,这些车辆很受欢迎。 These vehicles were popular due to their reliability, off-road capabilities, and suitability for both work and family use.