在巴黎数千人抗议伊朗民主变革、处决和美国施压。 Thousands protest in Paris for Iranian democratic change, amid executions and U.S. pressure.
包括乌克兰人在内的数千名伊朗持不同政见者在巴黎抗议, 要求推翻伊朗政府, 希望得到美国总统特朗普的“最大压力”运动的支持。 Thousands of Iranian dissidents, including Ukrainians, protested in Paris, calling for the overthrow of Iran's government and hoping for support from US President Trump's "maximum pressure" campaign. 这次抗议是由被取缔的伊朗全国抵抗理事会组织的,当时两名成员和另外六名被判处死刑的成员被处决。 The protest was organized by the banned National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), amid the execution of two members and six others sentenced to death. 发言者强调有必要在伊朗进行民主变革。 Speakers emphasized the need for a democratic change in Iran.