印度银行将于2月10日发布初级助理文员考试的录取卡, 考试将于2月22日开始. SBI will release admit cards for the Junior Associate Clerk exam on Feb 10, with tests starting Feb 22.
印度国家银行(SBI)将于2025年2月10日为初级助理(Clerk)初步考试发放录取卡。 The State Bank of India (SBI) will release admit cards for the Junior Associate (Clerk) Prelims Exam on February 10, 2025. 考试定于2025年2月22日、27日、28日和3月1日举行。 The exam is scheduled for February 22, 27, 28, and March 1, 2025. 考生可以从SBI的官方网站下载他们的录取卡, Candidates can download their admit cards from SBI's official website using their registration details. 考试旨在填补13 735个职位,候选人年龄在20-28岁之间,并具有毕业学位。 The exam aims to fill 13,735 positions, with eligibility for candidates aged 20-28 and holding a graduation degree. 甄选过程包括初步和主要考试,然后是语言熟练程度考试。 The selection process includes preliminary and main examinations, followed by a language proficiency test.