警方在卡拉奇的突袭导致枪战、受伤和逮捕,但被绑架的年轻人仍然失踪。 Police raid in Karachi leads to gunfight, injuries, and arrest, but kidnapped youth still missing.
警方就一起绑架案对卡拉奇Gizri地区的一座平房进行了突袭,导致枪战打伤两名警官,包括一名副警长。 Police conducted a raid on a bungalow in Karachi's Gizri area in connection with a kidnapping case, leading to a gunfight that injured two officers, including a deputy superintendent. 经过长时间的僵持之后,一名嫌疑人被逮捕,武器和酒精被缴获。 After a lengthy standoff, a suspect was arrested, and weapons and liquor were seized. 然而,被绑架的青年Mustafa Amir依然失踪。 However, the kidnapped youth, Mustafa Amir, remains missing.