巴基斯坦在21个县面临小儿麻痹症复发,使到2025年根除小儿麻痹症的工作复杂化。 Pakistan faces polio resurgence in 21 districts, complicating eradication efforts by 2025.
巴基斯坦正与野生脊髓灰质炎病毒第1型的死灰复燃作斗争,有21个地区从环境样本中检测出阳性。 Pakistan is battling the resurgence of wild poliovirus type 1, with 21 districts testing positive from environmental samples. 尽管开展了全国疫苗接种运动并得到全球支持,但安全问题和疫苗犹豫不决阻碍了进展。 Despite a nationwide vaccination campaign and global support, security issues and vaccine hesitancy have hindered progress. 卫生官员的目标是扩大免疫覆盖面,以便到2025年消灭这一病毒,同时在阿富汗作出努力,阿富汗是唯一一个小儿麻痹症仍流行的国家。 Health officials aim to boost immunization coverage to eradicate the virus by 2025, alongside efforts in Afghanistan, the only other country where polio remains endemic.