尼日利亚牧师要求释放因涉嫌网络欺凌TikToker而被捕的TikToker。 Nigerian pastor calls for release of TikToker arrested over alleged cyberbullying of him.
上帝基督教教改会的Enoch Adeboye牧师呼吁释放TikToker Olumide“SeaKing” Ogunsanwo, 他因据称在网络上欺凌他而被捕。 Pastor Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God called for the release of TikToker Olumide "SeaKing" Ogunsanwo, who was arrested for allegedly cyberbullying him. Adeboye远离了逮捕,声称逮捕是由因SeaKing的言论而愤怒的其他人实施的。 Adeboye distanced himself from the arrest, stating it was carried out by others angered by SeaKing's remarks. 人权活动家Omoyele Sowore访问SeaKing, 透露逮捕依据是Paul James Adama 以基督教团体名义提出的请愿。 Rights activist Omoyele Sowore visited SeaKing, revealing the arrest was based on a petition by Paul James Adama under a Christian group name. 这一事件引发了关于言论自由和执法在诽谤案件中作用的讨论。 The incident sparked discussions on free speech and the role of law enforcement in defamation cases.