出席的 Naomi Watts 和前 Liev Schreiber 带着他们的儿子 Sasha 参加了评论家选择奖。 Naomi Watts and ex Liev Schreiber, both present, brought their son Sasha to the Critics Choice Awards.
2月7日,娜奥米·沃茨(Naomi Watts)和前合伙人列夫·施赖伯(Liev Schreiber)分在不同的小组中,带着他们的儿子萨沙(Sasha)参加了评论家选择奖(Critics Choice Awards)。 Naomi Watts and ex-partner Liev Schreiber, both in separate groups, brought their son Sasha to the Critics Choice Awards on Feb 7. 现年 17 岁的 Sasha 出场引人注目。 Sasha, now 17, made a striking appearance. Liev 凭借《完美情侣》获得最佳男配角奖,而 Naomi 凭借《Feud: Capote vs. Liev won Best Supporting Actor for "The Perfect Couple," while Naomi was nominated for Best Actress for "Feud: Capote vs. 天鹅队。 The Swans." 2016 年分手的父母双方仍然友好并致力于共同抚养。 Both parents, who split in 2016, remain friendly and committed to co-parenting. Liev 嫁给了 Taylor Neisen,Naomi 嫁给了 Billy Crudup。 Liev is married to Taylor Neisen, and Naomi is married to Billy Crudup.