明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹率领贸易团前往荷兰,以促进商业投资和伙伴关系。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz leads trade mission to the Netherlands to boost business investment and partnerships.
明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹正在率领一个贸易代表团从2月17日至19日前往荷兰,推动明尼苏达州成为商业投资的最高目的地。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is leading a trade mission to the Netherlands from Feb 17-19 to promote Minnesota as a top destination for business investment. 这次旅行的目的是发展伙伴关系并加强与荷兰的关系,荷兰于2024年与明尼苏达州交易了9.08亿美元,是该国第十大出口市场。 The trip aims to develop partnerships and strengthen ties with the Netherlands, which traded $908 million with Minnesota in 2024 and is the state's 10th largest export market. 有十几家荷兰公司在明尼苏达州经营,雇用6 900人,投资3.28亿美元,另有20多家明尼苏达州公司在荷兰开展业务。 Over a dozen Dutch companies operate in Minnesota, employing 6,900 people and investing $328 million, while more than 20 Minnesota companies are active in the Netherlands.