Meghan Markle在Invictus运动会开幕式上表示坚决支持Harry王子。 Meghan Markle showed strong support for Prince Harry at the Invictus Games opening ceremony.
在 Invictus Games 开幕式上,梅根·马克尔热情支持哈里王子,以“海豹拍手”和深情抚摸等手势充当他的“头号粉丝”。 During the Invictus Games opening ceremony, Meghan Markle enthusiastically supported Prince Harry, acting as his "number one fan" with gestures like "seal claps" and affectionate touches. 身体语言专家Judi James指出,这些行动凸显了他们的牢固联系。 Body language expert Judi James noted these actions highlighted their strong bond. 此次活动庆祝受伤军人和女伤员, 标志着这对夫妇在面对媒体的检查后重返公职。 The event, which celebrates injured servicemen and women, marked the couple's return to public duty after facing scrutiny in the media.