一个人闯进麦当劳 自己做汉堡后 在博尔顿被捕了 A man was arrested in Bolton after breaking into a McDonald's and making himself a burger.
一名43岁的男子在试图闯入麦当劳餐厅后在博尔顿被捕。 A 43-year-old man was arrested in Bolton after trying to break into a McDonald's restaurant. 他试图用砖头砸碎窗户,爬过车道,据说在被警察抓获之前自己做了汉堡。 He attempted to smash a window with a brick, climbed through the drive-thru, and reportedly made himself a burger before being caught by police. 嫌疑犯被拘押审问。 The suspect is in custody for questioning.