喜马恰尔邦新的电子商务平台Himira通过销售30 000名妇女生产的产品,促进了农村经济。 Himachal Pradesh's new e-commerce platform, Himira, boosts rural economies by selling products made by 30,000 women.
喜马恰尔邦政府的电子商务平台Himira自2025年1月启动以来,已经收到1 000多份订单,促进了农村经济的发展。 The Himachal Pradesh government's e-commerce platform, Himira, has seen over 1,000 orders since its January 2025 launch, boosting rural economies. 自助团体的妇女制作的产品,如手织纺织品和天然食品,现在在Paytm和Mystore等平台上出售,为近30 000名妇女提供了生计。 Products crafted by women in Self-Help Groups, like hand-woven textiles and natural foods, are now sold on platforms like Paytm and Mystore, providing livelihoods for nearly 30,000 women. 该倡议旨在加强农村经济并促进自营职业。 The initiative aims to strengthen rural economies and promote self-employment.