前总统特朗普寻求关于 特勤局两名暗杀者的详细信息 Former President Trump seeks detailed info on two would-be assassins from the Secret Service.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普曾要求特勤局提供详细资料,说明在其担任主席期间企图暗杀他的个人。 Former President Donald Trump has asked the Secret Service for detailed information about individuals who attempted to assassinate him during his presidency. 请求涉及两起事件: Thomas Crooks试图在2020年宾夕法尼亚州集会上向Trump开枪,Ryan Routh计划袭击佛罗里达州高尔夫球场,这两起事件均被特勤局阻止。 The requests pertain to two incidents: Thomas Crooks, who tried to shoot Trump at a Pennsylvania rally in 2020, and Ryan Routh, who planned an attack at a Florida golf course, both of whom were stopped by the Secret Service. Trump想知道所有细节,包括为什么Crooks的手机上有外国应用程序,Routh的手机有多部。 Trump wants to know all details, including why Crooks had foreign apps on his phone and Routh had multiple cell phones.