英格兰女子曲棍球队抵达印度, 参加FIH Pro联盟与印度和荷兰的比赛。 England's women's hockey team arrives in India for key FIH Pro League matches against India and Netherlands.
英格兰女子曲棍球队于2月9日抵达印度布巴内斯瓦, The England women's hockey team arrived in Bhubaneswar, India, on February 9 for the FIH Hockey Pro League matches from February 15-25. 在全球排名第七位,他们将面对印度和排名第一的荷兰。 Ranked 7th globally, they will face India and the top-ranked Netherlands. 英国(现任英联邦冠军)对比赛持乐观态度。 Despite a challenging start to their Pro League campaign, England, current Commonwealth champions, is optimistic about the tournament. 球队总教练和球员对在印度观众面前比赛感到兴奋。 The team's head coach and players are excited about playing in front of the Indian crowd.