Baumgartner议员请提名一名高中教师出席联盟州会议。 Congressman Baumgartner invites nominations for a high school teacher to attend the State of the Union.
"国会大教室"竞赛正在接受华盛顿第五国会区的高中教师的提名, The "Classroom of the Capitol" contest is accepting nominations for high school teachers in Washington's 5th Congressional District to attend the 2025 State of the Union Address as Congressman Michael Baumgartner's guest. 提名在2月18日之前开放,需要250-500字文章,突出教师的影响,可由学生、家长、教师或管理人员提交。 Nominations, open until February 18, require a 250-500 word essay highlighting the teacher's impact and can be submitted by students, parents, teachers, or administrators. 获奖者可领到参加比赛的机票,但必须支付他们自己的旅行和住宿费用。 Winners receive a ticket to the event but must cover their own travel and lodging.