在澳大利亚,深色汽车的汽车保险费较高,黑人的保险费高出8.72%。 Car insurance premiums in Australia are higher for darker colored cars, with black adding up to 8.72% more.
澳大利亚司机的汽车保险费较高,部分原因是他们的汽车颜色。 Australian drivers are seeing higher car insurance premiums partly because of their car's color. 研究表明,较暗的颜色,特别是黑色,与白色汽车相比,其保险费可增加8.72%。 Research shows that darker colors, especially black, can increase premiums by up to 8.72% compared to white cars. 保险人根据诸如盗窃和事故风险增加、使黑色、银色、灰色、绿色、金色、棕色和紫色成为保险最昂贵的颜色等因素调整费率,每套保险加保费7.89%或更多。 Insurers adjust rates based on factors like increased risk of theft and accidents, making black, silver, grey, green, gold, brown, and purple the most expensive colors to insure, each adding a premium of 7.89% or more. 建议司机在选择保险时考虑这些因素。 Drivers are advised to consider these factors when choosing insurance.