本顿镇批准一个新的公园项目,由100万美元的赠款支持,定于2026年秋季完工。 Benton Township approves a new park project backed by a $1 million grant, set for completion by fall 2026.
本顿镇正在欧克利德和劳蕾尔大道附近开发一个新的公园,位于前马丁代尔小学后方。 Benton Township is developing a new park near Euclid and Laurel avenues, behind the former Martindale Elementary School. 乡镇委员会批准了与MCSA集团的一项合同,以监督该项目,由于预算和水问题,该项目将有一个游乐场和展厅。 The township board approved a contract with MCSA Group to oversee the project, which will feature a playground and pavilion due to budget and water issues. 公园开发得到当地居民的支持,并得到100万美元的火花补助金的支持,并计划在明年秋天之前完成该项目。 The park development is supported by local residents and backed by a $1 million Spark Grant, with plans to complete the project by fall next year.