年轻的精神病患者Nicole Pedra在新视频中强调该疾病不太为人所知的症状。 Young MS patient Nicole Pedra highlights lesser-known symptoms of the disease in a new video.
Nicole Pedra10岁时被诊断患有多发性硬化症(MS), Nicole Pedra, diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at age 10, shared lesser-known symptoms of the disease in a video. 这些包括电击感、面部疼痛、胸部或腹部紧绷感、对温度和光线敏感、身体抽搐、瘙痒、不宁腿综合征、脑雾、胃肠道问题等等。 These include an electric shock sensation, facial pain, a feeling of tightness around the chest or stomach, sensitivity to temperature and light, body jerks, itching, restless leg syndrome, brain fog, gastrointestinal issues, and more. 虽然这些症状可能是MS的标志,但也可能是其他疾病造成的. While these symptoms can be indicative of MS, they can also be caused by other conditions.