WWE 的凯文·欧文斯 (Kevin Owens) 猛烈抨击萨米·扎恩 (Sami Zayn),指责他在科迪·罗兹 (Cody Rhodes) 的袭击中背叛了他。 WWE's Kevin Owens lashes out at Sami Zayn, accusing him of betrayal during an attack by Cody Rhodes.
WWW超级明星Kevin Owens对他的朋友Sami Zayn在WWWW RAW上表示愤怒, 指责他在Cody Rhodes在皇家Rumble发动攻击时没有帮忙。 WWE superstar Kevin Owens expressed anger towards his friend Sami Zayn on WWE RAW, accusing him of not helping during an attack by Cody Rhodes at the Royal Rumble. Owens声称Zayn在活动期间只协助了Roman Reigns, 称他为“恶心的人”和“可怕的朋友”。 Owens claimed Zayn only assisted Roman Reigns during the event, calling him a "disgusting human being" and a "horrible friend." Owens发誓要报复他所认为的Zayn的背叛 Owens vowed revenge for what he sees as Zayn's betrayal.