VP Dhankhar敦促团结, 警告使用种姓的分裂势力; VP Dhankhar urges unity, warns against divisive forces exploiting caste, region in India.
副总统贾格迪普·丹哈尔警告印度反对利用种姓和地区主义的分裂势力,敦促作出有力反应。 Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar warned against divisive forces exploiting caste and regionalism in India, urging a strong response. 在Karnataka Vaibhava节上发言时,他强调维护民族团结和文化遗产,同时强调印度作为最高投资目的地的经济进步。 Speaking at the Karnataka Vaibhava festival, he emphasized preserving national unity and cultural heritage while highlighting India's economic progress as a top investment destination. Dhankar强调,必须打击反国家活动,维护民主完整性。 Dhankar stressed the need to counter anti-national activities and maintain democratic integrity.