特鲁多任命了三名独立的参议员,包括Baltej Dhilon,推动多样性和非党派治理。 Trudeau appoints three independent senators, including Baltej Dhillon, advancing diversity and non-partisan governance.
贾斯汀·特鲁多总理任命了三名新的独立参议员,以填补参议院的空缺,这标志着加拿大向无党派、任人唯贤的参议院迈进。 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed three new independent senators to fill Senate vacancies, marking Canada's move towards a non-partisan, merit-based Senate. 获任命者包括Baltej Dhillon,他是前皇家骑警军官,成为第一个戴头巾的蒙蒂人,象征着多样性的一个重要步骤。 Among the appointees is Baltej Dhillon, a former RCMP officer who became the first Mountie to wear a turban, symbolizing a significant step for diversity. 这些任命使特鲁多提名的独立参议院成员总数达到93人。 The appointments bring the total of independent Senate picks by Trudeau to 93.