少年 Muhamad Taupan 和一名 16 岁男孩因在温莎谋杀 Sean Shuart 而被捕。 Teenager Muhamad Taupan and a 16-year-old boy arrested for the murder of Sean Shuart in Windsor.
19 岁的穆罕默德·陶潘 (Muhamad Taupan) 和一名 16 岁的男孩因与温莎 53 岁的肖恩·舒尔特 (Sean Shuart) 的一级谋杀案有关而被捕。 Muhamad Taupan, 19, and a 16-year-old boy have been arrested in connection with the first-degree murder of 53-year-old Sean Shuart in Windsor. 被称为“TY”的 Taupan 在温莎和彼得伯勒警方的一次联合行动中在彼得伯勒被捕,导致武器、毒品和用具被缴获。 Taupan, known as "TY," was apprehended in Peterborough during a joint operation by Windsor and Peterborough police, leading to the seizure of weapons, drugs, and paraphernalia. 这名 16 岁的少年的身份受到保护,被指控犯有从犯罪谋杀罪。 The 16-year-old, whose identity is protected, is charged with accessory to murder.