新加坡授权为超过24 000只宠物猫提供微芯片和许可证,以改善福利和可追踪性。 Singapore mandates microchipping and licensing for over 24,000 pet cats to improve welfare and traceability.
自2024年9月以来,新加坡有超过24 000只宠物猫在新的猫类管理框架下被微缩,并获得许可证。 Since September 2024, over 24,000 pet cats in Singapore have been microchipped and licensed under a new Cat Management Framework. 该框架旨在提高猫的福利和可追踪性,97%的猫也被绝育。 The framework aims to enhance cat welfare and traceability, with 97% of the cats also being sterilized. 所有者必须在2026年8月31日之前遵守,尽管当局鼓励更早采取行动。 Owners have until August 31, 2026, to comply, though authorities encourage earlier action. 在过渡期间免费发放许可证,绝育猫费为15美元,未绝育猫费为90美元。 The licensing is free during the transition and costs $15 for sterilized cats and $90 for unsterilized ones afterward.