圣地亚哥教士队即将与多才多艺的球员康纳·乔达成协议,可能会签订一份为期一年的合同。 The San Diego Padres are nearing a deal with versatile player Connor Joe, likely in a one-year contract.
圣地亚哥教士队接近签下自由球员康纳·乔,他是一名多才多艺的内野手/外野手,可以加强他们的阵容。 The San Diego Padres are close to signing free agent Connor Joe, a versatile infielder/outfielder who could bolster their lineup. 乔是一名 32 岁的球员,曾为包括海盗队在内的多支球队效力,职业生涯的平均击球率为 .242,可以打一垒或外野。 Joe, a 32-year-old who has played for multiple teams including the Pirates, has a career batting average of .242 and can play first base or outfield. 这笔交易的财务细节没有披露,但预期是一份为期一年的适度合同,帮助帕德斯管理其工资单,同时增加其名册的深度。 Financial details of the deal are not disclosed, but it's expected to be a modest one-year contract, helping the Padres manage their payroll while adding depth to their roster.