Marjorie Taylor Greene考虑竞选格鲁吉亚州长或参议院, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene considers running for Georgia governor or Senate, potentially reshaping state politics.
据报道,格鲁吉亚的Marjorie Taylor Greene Reporation正在考虑竞选州长或参议院席位。 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is reportedly considering running for either the governorship or the Senate seat. 如果她竞选,格林可能会对政治格局产生重大影响,因为参议院的席位和州长职位在下个周期都将被抢夺。 If she runs, Greene could significantly impact the political landscape, as the Senate seat and governorship are both up for grabs in the next cycle. 尽管围绕格林过去的言论和行为存在争议,但她的潜在候选人资格正受到密切关注。 Despite controversy surrounding Greene's past statements and actions, her potential candidacy is being closely watched.