安大略选举的重点是保健、减税和一条有争议的50-100B公路隧道。 Ontario's election focuses on health care, tax cuts, and a controversial $50-100B highway tunnel.
安大略省的竞选活动中心涉及保健、减税和拟议在401号公路下修建500亿至1000亿美元的隧道。 Ontario's election campaign centers on health care, tax cuts, and a proposed $50-100 billion tunnel under Highway 401. 人民党领袖道格·福特(Doug Ford)承诺通过隧道来方便交通、创造就业机会、刺激经济, PC Leader Doug Ford promises the tunnel to ease traffic, create jobs, and boost the economy, though its feasibility is questioned. 国民民主党领袖Marit Stiles承诺40多亿美元,以确保每个Ontarian人都有家庭医生。 NDP Leader Marit Stiles pledges over $4 billion to ensure every Ontarian has a family doctor. 自由党领袖Bonnie Crombie和绿党领袖Mike Schreiner也专注于保健和税收改革。 Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie and Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner also focus on healthcare and tax reforms. 即期选举定于2月27日举行。 The snap election is set for February 27.