阿曼的旅馆收入在2024年攀升6.2%,因游客和入住率上升而火上浇油。 Oman's hotel revenues climbed 6.2% in 2024, fueled by a rise in tourists and occupancy rates.
阿曼旅馆收入从2023年的2.92亿阿曼里亚尔上升至2024年的6.2%,达到2.433亿阿曼里亚尔,由2023年的2.92亿阿曼里亚尔上升至2.433亿阿曼里亚尔,因为旅馆客人人数增加了3.6%,达到215万阿曼里亚尔。 Hotel revenues in Oman rose by 6.2% in 2024 to RO 243.3 million, up from RO 229.2 million in 2023, driven by a 3.6% increase in hotel guests to 2.15 million. 阿曼游客增加了4.5%,来自欧洲、美洲、非洲和亚洲的游客也增加了,尽管来自大洋洲的游客减少了26.1%。 Omani visitors increased by 4.5%, while guests from Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia also grew, though those from Oceania fell by 26.1%. 居住率提高了2.1%。 The occupancy rate improved by 2.1%. 这一增长支持阿曼根据其2040年远景规划促进旅游业的努力。 This growth supports Oman's efforts to boost tourism under its Vision 2040 plan.