执法部门处理威斯康辛州金伯利的武器事件,学校被封锁。 Law enforcement handles weapon incident in Kimberly, Wisconsin, with schools on lockdown.
执法部门正在对威斯康星州Kimberly发生的涉及武器的事件作出反应,当时有多个机构在场,包括一辆SWAT车辆。 Law enforcement is responding to an incident involving a weapon in Kimberly, Wisconsin, with multiple agencies present, including a SWAT vehicle. 邻近街道被关闭,包括4K中心、Mapleview中级和Parkview在内的学校开始软封闭。 Nearby streets are closed, and schools including the 4K Center, Mapleview Intermediate, and Parkview have initiated a soft lockdown. 据报所有学生都安全。 All students are reported safe. 一人被带离现场接受医疗,情况继续发展。 One person was taken from the scene for medical treatment, and the situation continues to develop.