Jackie Chan 70岁 回到好莱坞 在批评者选择奖上 站立鼓掌 Jackie Chan, 70, returns to Hollywood with a standing ovation at the Critics Choice Awards.
在2025年"评论家选择奖"上,70岁的杰基·陈罕见地出现在好莱,向埃米利亚·佩雷斯颁发了最佳外语电影奖. At the 2025 Critics Choice Awards, Jackie Chan, 70, made a rare Hollywood appearance, presenting the Best Foreign Language Film award to Emilia Pérez. 演员在五年多以来第一次在好莱坞演出时 获得了掌声。 The actor received a standing ovation during his first Hollywood stage appearance in over five years. Chan以他在Rush Hour中的角色而闻名,他强调电影的团结力量。 Chan, known for his role in Rush Hour, emphasized the unifying power of cinema. 他的归来激起了粉丝们的兴奋,并突显了他对电影业的持久影响。 His return sparked excitement among fans and highlighted his enduring influence in the film industry.