印度最大的保险公司LIC(LIC)报告,尽管保险费下降,Q3的净利润增加了17%。 India's largest insurer, LIC, reports a 17% rise in Q3 net profit despite declining premiums.
据报道,国有LIC第三季度净利增长了17%,达到11,056亿卢比,主要是由于员工相关费用下降了30%. State-owned LIC reported a 17% increase in third-quarter net profit to ₹11,056 crore, largely due to a 30% drop in employee-related expenses. 尽管净保费收入下降了9%,但LIC的偿付能力比率提高到2.02. Despite a 9% decline in net premium income, LIC's solvency ratio improved to 2.02. 保险人管理的资产增长了10.3%,达到54.77万亿第纳尔。 The insurer's assets under management grew 10.3% to ₹54.77 trillion. LIC保持其市场领导地位,第一年保险费收入占57.42%的份额。 LIC maintains its market leadership with a 57.42% share in first-year premium income. 但是,新的商业计量显示下降,包括新商业溢价价值下降26.87%。 However, new business metrics showed declines, including a 26.87% fall in value of new business premium.