印度敦促各邦建立生物技术枢纽,以便到2047年实现国家政策目标。 India urges states to establish biotech hubs to align with national policy goals by 2047.
联合部长Jitendra Singh敦促印度各州设立BioE3细胞, Union Minister Jitendra Singh has urged Indian states to set up BioE3 Cells to boost biotechnology and align with the national BioE3 Policy. 这些小组将作为知识枢纽,将国家和国内利益攸关方联系起来,侧重于生物制造、技术采用和政策协调。 These cells will act as knowledge hubs linking state and national stakeholders, focusing on biomanufacturing, technology adoption, and policy coordination. 目标是到2047年在印度各地促进生物技术的创新和可持续做法。 The goal is to foster innovation and sustainable practices in biotechnology across India by 2047.