法国总统Macron提倡AI监管, 将不受控制的发展比作“野生西部”。 French President Macron advocates for AI regulation, likening its uncontrolled development to a "Wild West."
法国总统埃马纽埃尔(Emmanuel Macron)呼吁管制人工智能(AI)开发, French President Emmanuel Macron called for regulating artificial intelligence (AI) development to prevent issues like discrimination and mass control, likening unregulated AI to a "Wild West." 本声明是在巴黎举行的全球首脑会议之前发表的,首脑会议旨在确立保护权利、环境、新闻完整性和知识产权的普遍原则。 This statement precedes a global summit in Paris aiming to establish universal principles to protect rights, the environment, news integrity, and intellectual property. 来自欧盟、美国和中国的知名领导人将出席,强调欧洲需要与美国和中国的技术巨头竞争,同时促进本地的AI创新。 High-profile leaders from the EU, US, and China will attend, underscoring the need for Europe to compete with tech giants from the US and China while promoting local AI innovation.