11岁的Louise Lasalle被发现死亡;夫妇因与她失踪有关而被捕。 Eleven-year-old Louise Lasalle found dead; couple arrested in connection with her disappearance.
来自法国Essonne的11岁的Louise Lasalle, 星期五失踪后被发现死在附近一个林地。 Eleven-year-old Louise Lasalle from Essonne, France, was found dead in a nearby woodland after going missing on Friday. 她的妹妹在Louise离开学校后,在社交媒体上张贴求助信息。 Her sister had posted on social media for help after Louise left school. 一名23岁的男子及其20岁的伴侣在靠近该地区的闭路电视上看到他们后被捕。 A 23-year-old man and his 20-year-old partner were arrested following their sighting on CCTV near the area. 凡尔赛犯罪科正在牵头进行调查,尸体解剖将确定死亡原因。 The Versailles crime division is leading the investigation, and an autopsy will determine the cause of death.