印度医生引发争议称牛奶和面包不是素食,引发印度关于素食定义的辩论. Dr. Sylvia Karpagam争议称牛奶和paneer非素食,引发印度关于素食定义的辩论。 *Revised to meet instructions:* Indian doctor sparks debate claiming milk and paneer aren't vegetarian.
印度医生Sylvia Karpagam博士宣称牛奶和面包不应被视为素食食品, An Indian doctor, Dr. Sylvia Karpagam, sparked controversy by declaring that milk and paneer should not be considered vegetarian foods because they originate from animals. 这一说法引起了关于社交媒体的激烈辩论,一些人争辩说,由于没有动物因生产这些物品而死亡,它们仍然是素食主义者。 This claim led to a heated debate on social media, with some arguing that since no animals are killed to produce these items, they remain vegetarian. 讨论突出了不同文化之间在如何界定素食主义方面的差异。 The discussion highlighted differences in how vegetarianism is defined across cultures.