庆祝电影和电视成就的《批评者选择奖》被推迟至稍后日期。 The Critic's Choice Awards, honoring achievements in film and TV, have been postponed to a later date.
原定于本日期举行的《批评者选择奖》被推迟。 The Critic's Choice Awards, originally scheduled for this date, have been postponed. 这次活动纪念电影和电视领域的杰出成就,将于稍后日期举行,具体日期待定。 The event, which honors outstanding achievements in film and television, will take place at a later date to be announced. 包括 my100.1、97.1 Double Q 和 93.7 The River 在内的电台都报告了推迟的消息。 Stations including my100.1, 97.1 Double Q, and 93.7 The River have reported on the postponement.