Chick-fil-A提供心形托盘,在情人节选定的中西部地点提供招待。 Chick-fil-A offers heart-shaped trays with treats at select Midwest locations for Valentine's Day.
Chick-fil-A在明尼苏达州、爱荷华州和威斯康辛州特定地点提供装满情人节盛宴的心型托盘。 Chick-fil-A is offering heart-shaped trays filled with treats for Valentine's Day at select locations in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. 2025年1月27日至2月22日,或者在用品用完之前,可提供装有链条标志物品的托盘。 The trays, featuring the chain's signature items, are available from January 27 to February 22, 2025, or until supplies run out. 顾客应与其本地的Chick-fil-A公司核实是否可供使用,已注意到关于今后几年在盘子上添加华夫饼薯条的建议。 Customers should check with their local Chick-fil-A for availability, and a suggestion for adding waffle fries to the tray in future years has been noted.