BJP 反击国会,声称制造业增长,NDA 下的 FDI 增长了 69%,归功于 PLI 计划。 BJP counters Congress, claims manufacturing grew with 69% rise in FDI under NDA, credits PLI scheme.
印度人民党对国大党声称在 NDA 制度下印度制造业增长缓慢的说法提出异议。 The BJP disputes the Congress Party's claim of slow growth in India's manufacturing sector under the NDA regime. BJP认为,2009至2014年,该部门的平均增长率仅为5.6%,2013至14年有所下降。 The BJP argues that from 2009 to 2014, the sector's average growth was just 5.6%, with a decline in 2013-14. 它们突出表明,自国家开发局上任以来,流入制造业的外国直接投资增加了69%,这归因于与生产相关的奖励计划。 They highlight a 69% increase in FDI inflows into manufacturing since the NDA took office, attributing this to the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. PLI计划促进了当地生产和出口,使贸易和创造就业的数量创下历史新高。 The PLI scheme has boosted local production and exports, leading to record numbers in trade and job creation.