当局正在寻找失踪的 15 岁女孩 Ariana Counts,她最后一次露面于 1 月 8 日在明尼苏达州摩尔黑德。 Authorities search for missing 15-year-old Ariana Counts, last seen on Jan. 8 in Moorhead, MN.
摩尔黑德警察局和明尼苏达州刑事逮捕局正在寻找自 1 月 8 日以来失踪的 15 岁女孩阿丽亚娜·伯爵。 The Moorhead Police Department and Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension are searching for 15-year-old Ariana Counts, missing since January 8th. Ariana被描述为5尺5寸和120磅棕色头发和眼睛, 最后一次被看见穿黑色大衣、灰色连帽衫、黑色运动裤、白网球鞋。 Ariana, described as 5'5" and 120 pounds with brown hair and eyes, was last seen wearing a black coat, gray hoodie, black sweatpants, and white tennis shoes. 当局敦促任何有情报的人在701-451-7660时与Moorhead警察局联系。 Authorities urge anyone with information to contact the Moorhead Police at 701-451-7660.