亚马逊支付395万美元,解决它误导客户的交货小费使用问题。 Amazon pays $3.95 million to settle claims it misled customers about delivery tip usage.
亚马逊将支付395万美元, 解决一项诉讼, 指控它误导客户 关于交货小费去了哪里。 Amazon will pay $3.95 million to settle a lawsuit alleging it misled customers about where delivery tips went. 哥伦比亚特区总检察长指控亚马逊没有透露一些小费被用于补贴劳动力成本, The District of Columbia Attorney General accused Amazon of not disclosing that tips were used to subsidize labor costs instead of going directly to drivers. 亚马逊否认这些指控,并且不承认不法行为。 Amazon denies the allegations and did not admit to wrongdoing. 作为定居点的一部分,亚马逊必须在其网站和应用程序上披露小费如何影响驾驶员的收入。 As part of the settlement, Amazon must disclose how tips impact driver earnings on its website and app.