一名16岁儿童在林肯被捕,罪名是持有一支涉及多个警察单位的被盗枪。 A 16-year-old was arrested in Lincoln for possessing a stolen gun, involving multiple police units.
发现一名16岁男孩持有被盗火器后,在内布拉斯加州林肯市被捕。 A 16-year-old boy was arrested in Lincoln, Nebraska, after being found in possession of a stolen firearm. 逮捕发生在40街和Vine街附近,涉及多个执法机构,包括林肯警察局的黑帮股和缉毒工作队。 The arrest, which occurred near 40th and Vine streets, involved multiple law enforcement agencies including the Lincoln Police Department's Gang Unit and the Narcotics Task Force. 嫌疑人将面临多项指控,现场的另外两人被拘留但未被捕。 The suspect will face multiple charges, and two others at the scene were detained but not arrested.