Tom Cruis的"使命:不可能 - 最终清算"暗示 结束Ethan Hunt三十年的传奇 Tom Cruise's "Mission: Impossible - The Final Reckoning" hints at ending Ethan Hunt's 30-year saga.
姆·克鲁斯即将上映的"不可能的任务 - 最终的清算"引发了关于它是系列的最后一部电影的猜测. Tom Cruise's upcoming "Mission: Impossible - The Final Reckoning" has sparked speculation about it being the last film in the franchise. Cruis和导演Christopher McQuarrie在接受采访时暗示,这可能是对Ethan Hunt30年旅程的满意结论,尽管两者都没有确认是否是游艇最后一次演出。 In an interview, Cruise and director Christopher McQuarrie hinted it could be a satisfying conclusion to Ethan Hunt's 30-year journey, though neither confirmed if it will be Cruise's last outing as the character. 影片定于5月23日发行, 呈现极端特技, 估计预算为4亿美元。 The film, set for release on May 23, features extreme stunts and an estimated budget of $400 million.