得克萨斯州调查了大约220名在认证考试中作弊的教育工作者,有些人付钱给其他人参加考试。 Texas investigates about 220 educators for cheating on certification exams, with some paying others to take their tests.
得克萨斯州教育署正在调查多个地区约160名教育工作者涉嫌在认证考试中作弊,一些教师支付2 500美元供其他人参加考试。 The Texas Education Agency is investigating about 160 educators across multiple districts for allegedly cheating on certification exams, with some teachers paying $2,500 for others to take their tests. 来自33个区的另外60名教育工作者正在调查休斯顿ISD篮球教练领导的类似作弊计划,涉及200多名教师,可能赚取100万美元。 An additional 60 educators from 33 districts are under investigation for a similar cheating scheme led by a Houston ISD basketball coach, involving over 200 teachers and potentially earning $1 million. 检察官已起诉若干个人,国家教育者认证委员会将确定制裁。 Prosecutors have indicted several individuals, and the State Board for Educator Certification will determine sanctions.