在自闭症学生的行为引起关注后,因涉嫌虐待儿童而被捕的言语治疗师。 Speech therapist arrested for alleged child abuse after autistic student's behavior prompted concern.
Sonora小学50岁语言治疗师Mary McGrew在7岁自闭症学生的行为引起关注后,因轻罪指控虐待和殴打儿童而被捕。 Mary McGrew, a 50-year-old speech therapist at Sonora Elementary School, was arrested on misdemeanor charges of child abuse and battery after a 7-year-old autistic student's behavior sparked concern. 尽管没有身体受伤,索诺拉警察局启动了刑事调查。 Despite no physical injuries, the Sonora Police Department launched a criminal investigation. 校区确认他们正与执法部门合作。 The school district confirmed they are cooperating with law enforcement.