西班牙语节目《La Isla de las Tentaciones》在参赛者José Carlos Montoya面对女友的作弊现场时播出。 Spanish show "La Isla de las Tentaciones" goes viral as contestant José Carlos Montoya confronts his girlfriend's cheating live.
西班牙的真人秀《La Isla de las Tentaciones》为戏剧性场景播出, 参赛者José Carlos Montoya眼睁睁看着他的女朋友Anita与另一位参赛者Manuel一起欺骗他。 The Spanish reality show "La Isla de las Tentaciones" has gone viral for a dramatic scene where contestant José Carlos Montoya watched his girlfriend Anita cheat on him with another contestant, Manuel. 这段影片展示了蒙托亚的震惊反应, 在社交媒体上被看到数百万次, 引发了关于不忠的讨论。 The clip, showing Montoya's shocked reaction, has been viewed millions of times on social media and sparked discussions about infidelity. 尽管蒙托亚的情绪暴躁, 观众也注意到他先前在节目中作弊。 Despite Montoya's emotional outburst, viewers noted he had also cheated earlier in the show. 这部剧使它成为一个流行的模因,像 “Montoya por favor ”这样的短语在网上流行起来。 The drama has made it a popular meme, with phrases like "Montoya por favor" trending online.