南卡罗来纳州提前法案禁止驾驶时使用手持电话,并处以罚款和可能的监狱时间。 South Carolina advances bill to ban handheld phone use while driving, with fines and potential prison time.
南卡罗来纳州众议院正在提出一项法案,禁止司机在驾驶时持有或支持其手机,但免费电话和语音通话除外。 South Carolina's House of Representatives is advancing a bill that would ban drivers from holding or supporting their cell phones while driving, except for hands-free calls and voice-to-text. 该法案在前几届会议中均告失败,将对第一次违反法案的行为处以100美元罚款,对以后违反法案的行为处以200美元罚款。 The bill, which has failed in previous sessions, would impose a $100 fine for the first violation and $200 for subsequent ones. 更严厉的惩罚,包括监禁时间,将适用于致命事故。 More severe penalties, including prison time, would apply in fatal accidents. 如果颁布,该法还将适用于其他电子设备,并禁止诸如观看视频等活动。 If enacted, the law would also apply to other electronic devices and forbid activities like watching videos.