SEBI计划限制公司关键人员的亲属在财务结果之前进行交易,以遏制内幕交易。 SEBI plans to restrict trading by relatives of key company personnel before financial results to curb insider trading.
印度证券交易委员会(SEBI)计划在宣布财务结果之前,对上市公司关键人员的直系亲属实行自动交易窗口关闭。 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) plans to extend an automated trading window closure to the immediate relatives of key personnel in listed companies before financial results are announced. 此举旨在防止无意中违反内部交易规则。 This move aims to prevent unintentional violations of insider trading rules. 该提案是经过与关键人员成功试点后提出的,在2月28日之前开放供公众评论。 The proposal follows a successful pilot with key personnel and is open for public comment until February 28. 交易窗口将关闭至宣布财务结果后48小时。 The trading window will close until 48 hours after financial results are announced.