罗马尼亚的物流市场在2024年扩大了400,000平方米,吸引了投资者。 Romania's logistics market expanded by 400,000 square meters in 2024, drawing investors.
罗马尼亚的工业和物流市场在2024年增长了40万平方米,总面积740万平方米,吸引了当地和国际投资者。 Romania's industrial and logistics market grew by 400,000 square meters in 2024, totaling 7.4 million square meters, attracting both local and international investors. 大型交易,如LPP和Deichmann的扩张,突出显示了它作为东南欧关键物流中心的作用。 Major transactions, such as LPP and Deichmann's expansions, highlight its role as a key logistics hub in Southeastern Europe. 尽管存在短期经济不确定性,但有竞争力的劳动力队伍和持续的基础设施改善继续使市场具有吸引力。 Despite short-term economic uncertainties, the competitive labor force and ongoing infrastructure improvements continue to make the market attractive.