新南威尔士州总理访问Moree,处理高犯罪率问题,包括入室盗窃和汽车盗窃。 NSW Premier visits Moree to tackle high crime rates, including break-ins and car thefts.
新南威尔士州总理Chris Minns正在访问澳大利亚的Moree, 以解决该市高犯罪率问题, NSW Premier Chris Minns is visiting Moree, Australia, to address the town's high crime rates, especially break-ins and car thefts. Susannah Pearse市长正在寻求州政府的立即帮助。 Mayor Susannah Pearse is seeking immediate help from the state government. 去年宣布了旨在减少犯罪和支助高危青年的1 340万美元的一揽子方案,但一些社区领导人主张制定更好的立法。 A $13.4 million package aimed at reducing crime and supporting at-risk youth was announced last year, but some community leaders argue for better legislation. 土著长老们将讨论青年方案,如PCYC和Shae学院,同时强调必须对犯罪采取重点更突出的办法。 Aboriginal elders will discuss programs for youth, like PCYC and Shae Academy, while emphasizing the need for a more focused approach to crime.